There is a very simple reason why I am attracted to data. Data is everywhere around us. These days, more than half of our lives are dependent on it. It has a lot of virtues but vices too which is decided by its user. One of the virtues, I favor over others, is its raw capacity of unbiased truth completely devoid of human assumptions and waiting to be uncovered for a greater purpose. The purpose to bring prosperity to our earth.

And, I also love its community which has countless of patient, smart, helpful and fearless individuals working hard to make our world a better place by untangling our world’s complex Web of Data one string at a time. If you also aspire to become a part of this small tribe like myself, I am extending a helping hand (towards myself too) to the fullest of my capabilities through this small blog series on my and my buddy’s Python adventures where I attempt to tackle this data-web’s spyders through my (py)charm and very much hope to see you go jupyter. Happy data untangling!